At waters edge BUSINESS CENTRE, we can accommodate a variety of different size meetings. We have a small meeting room which will comfortably seat 4 people in a private and intamate space to help you create a professional and effecient image to your clients.
If a larger space is required for a larger gathering of people, we are able to accomodate up to 12 people seated around our contemporary hardwood board table. In the boardroom we are able to provide catering and refreshments if organised prior to attending our facility.
To book the boardroom or meeting room for use, please download the application form below. All that you need to do is follow the link below to complete the booking online.

Our new Day Room is available for hire via reception. This room is a private office suite available to work in on a half day or full day basis. The room can be booked casually at the meeting room rates or contact us to discuss a monthly schedule.
Click here to download the form.